Monday, July 11, 2011

French Fries anyone?

Up to this point in out trip (aside from Burgundy) we feel that we have been getting the best of what France has to it's tourists.  The museums, the chateaux's, the castles, the Roman ruins, the little towns...all set up for tourists!  Not to say that we have not thoroughly enjoyed all of the magnificent sights, but we have really had to look hard for how the French really live.

Here in Bordeaux we feel very privileged to get a true vignette into the life of the French, courtesy of our friends the Glotins.  They are showing us around this town that their families have lived in for centuries!  So, I guess a little bit of the tourism that I mentioned before, but with the personal and passionate explanation of the history by this family.  They are taking us to their favorite restaurants, shopping places, grocery stores, their friend's parties, and even the home of their parents!

Jeff relaxing in the living room
Soren loving their cat Misty in the backyard

Rachel checking email in the kitchen

The Browns and the Glotins having dinner at their house

Two days ago, they took us to their favorite restaurant in Bordeaux.  They told us that this would be very "a very typical kind of meal to have in this region."  It was a big deal to their family as this was a special treat for them as well as for us.  We have learned that where there is a long line, there is something good enough to wait for.  There was a line down the street when we arrived, and the restaurant had not yet even opened.  So, it seemed that this was going to be good!

Once they opened up the doors, the cattle call began.  We were herded in and headed for the third floor (4th floor by American standards).  They sat us all down.  11 of us.  (Their nephew joined us as well) and simply asked (in French of course) how we would like our meat cooked.  That was all.  So, as it turns out, there is one thing and one thing only on the menu.  Bread, salad with walnuts and dressing (that is all) steak in their "famous sauce" and french fries.  What????

We thought that all French people ate healthy?  French fries?  Really?  Surely, they would not be like what I think of when I think of french fries.  I could not have been more wrong!

Within 5 minutes, we had our salads (of which my kids ate EVERY bite...yes even Soren!).  Once those plates had been licked clean (and it did not take long) 3 HUGE plates of steak cut into very small pieces and swimming in the sauce that makes my mouth water as I write this, arrived.  As the French say...ooooo laaa laaa!  Quickly on the heels of the steak came the hugest plates of french fries that I have ever seen!  No way!  At this point, the feeding frenzy began!

The kids were at one end of the table and the parents were at the other end.  Our kids appeared to be just as shocked as we did!  They had no problem following the lead of the other kids, who devoured their food and continued to go back for more!  Where is the putting down the fork in between bites?  Where is the portions fit only for a bird?

As soon as I took one bite of my plate of food...I understood!  It was outstanding!  I will stop there, as I am getting hungry just talking about it and it is 12:32 am here!  It was wonderful, and we enjoyed the fact that they took us there.  Not because we were tourists, but because we are friends.  C'est la vie!

After that, we split up (girls and guys) for a short time.  The girls shopped a little and the guys walked around the city center.  We did not stay out too long because we were told that we needed to rest up for the party that we would go to that night at the home of one of their friend's in the country which would START at 9 pm!

Jeff, Soren, Paul (cousin) and Pierre in front of a very famous fountain in Bordeaux

Jennifer, Makenna, Rachel, Marie, Caroline and Sandrine going to shop!

The party was at a very old stone house, with a huge yard and pool.  There was champagne (which every family walked in with a bottle), food, and dancing.  There were The people were very nice and happy to meet "the Americans."  However, they were all quite adamant about not only us talking in French, but also Sandrine and Pierre!  In other words, they did not want them to be translating in English for us!  Holy cow.

As the night wore on, and I continued to do my best at managing full conversations in French, they seemed to ease up a bit and were able to tolerate me sending an SOS to Sandrine when I was totally lost in the conversation or at a loss for words.  By the end, they were all so very kind and I felt like I had gained some ground when I heard them tell Sandrine that I was "adorable" AND that I understood what they had said!

As for Jeff, he did very well.  He certainly tried to speak what he knows in French, and for the rest, he just pulled off his best French accent!  It must have been clear to the guys what Jeff's limits were, and so they were quite happy to talk to him in English (the 2 or 3 that could speak English) for the rest of the night.

Talking in a foreign language that you are not fluent in is exhausting, and so by 1:30 I was fatigued.  Jeff and I took our 3 sleepy kids home as well as Pierre.  Sandrine stayed to continue dancing!  It was a great night, and we thoroughly enjoyed meeting so many of the Glotin's friends!  What a nice group of people, and yet another glimpse into the real lives of the French!

As you know, I could write so much more about all of this, but those details will have to wait!

Bonne nuit!


  1. Those French fries are crazy! So cool that you got to experience France with the French!! And that you were able to dispel the rumors of bird eaters. Ha ha! Ok, what I really want to know is what kind of music were they dancing to? And was it kids and parents alike? I'm really trying to picture us and our kids all dancing the night away...hmmmm

  2. its chelsea! im so confused and cant keep up haha. so where are your next few destinations? i miss you guys a lot and VBS and summer fun. but im sure france is a blast! just got your jealous you guys went cliff jumping in the mediterranean! anyways au revoir je t'aime!
