Tuesday, June 28, 2011

On the road again...and this time we are sure!

Three days of total relaxation is our limit.  Or so it seems.  Today we decided to get out and explore the area of Burgundy a little bit.  We had a nice relaxing morning which started with fresh cups of coffee (made in the fancy french coffee maker that this family has), Makenna's cherry bread, cherry sauce and eggs.  After that, we got in the car and headed towards water.  Makenna really wanted to "get her feet wet" today in some natural form of water.

On the way, we stopped over in several little villages with castles.  Blah blah blah.  JK.  I still am not tired of it!  Today, the castle that we stopped at was built in 3 stages.  The 12th century, the 15th century and the 18th century.  Every time we see something like that, I have to really sit down and ponder just how old that is.  As we walk around and see the city walls, the moats and the castle itself as it sits upon the top of a hill, I try to imagine what has happened here, and what life might have been like.  I just wish that there were some way to transport me back, if even just for 15 minutes.  Long enough to just have a look around.  Amazing.

We drove along what is called the Burgundy Canal.  This is where people own or rent boats rather than have homes or hotel rooms, and just cruise the canal.  They are like low profile houseboats.  I did not see one that did not have bikes on the top and in the very front, a jacuzzi!  How fun would that be with a couple of families?  As you navigate the canal, there are several locks that you have to operate by hand to keep going.  I am not sure how long that would be fun, and when the novelty of that would wear off.  At any rate, it would be a very different way to see this area.  Me, I am going to stick to my 200 year old country house.

Finally, we came upon water.  Makenna and Jeff sniffed out a rope swing, and before you could say "Q'uest ce tu faites?" they were submerged in water.

C'est complet.  Now we are back home, getting ready to head up to the French Alps (Chamonix) tomorrow.  Yes, we are sure that it is tomorrow.  We should know simply by the sharp change in the weather forecast.  Out of a 10 day forecast, there is suddenly rain tomorrow and the next day.  Dang it.  Well, you can pray that it takes another turn because it would be a lot more fun to travel to 12,600 feet in a gondola if it were clear and dry.  I know that we are!

This is the castle that we visited from afar

The Burgundy Canal

It was so hot, that we had to stop for ice cream

View from the castle

The picnic before the rope swing!

Makenna flying off of the rope swing with grace!

Jeff playing Tarzan

What?  Are you kidding?  I guess that they were...gulp

Monday, June 27, 2011

Now that I have a few minutes, allow me to back up a few days.  On Thursday, we left town for the second time...you know...the day that we were supposed to leave, and headed up to Alsace.  That is the region that we were going to be visiting for two days.  They say that Alsace is the "flower child between Germany and France."  So true!  The region has literally changed hands between France and Germany at least 5 times!  They also say that the village is like a living working Hansel and Gretel village.  Again, I could not agree more!  It felt a little bit like we were in Solvang, or a movie set but we weren't!  This was for real.  People work and live here every day!  This is there life!  Jeff felt like if we were to peek in the window of someone's home, we would see gingerbread people running around!

We started our journey in Colmar.  This is the second biggest city that we visited.  When we approached the city I thought that I was not going to like it.  That is, until we got into the "Centre Ville" or the center of the city.  Once inside, wow.  We immediately understood why the American and the British agreed not to bomb this beautiful area!  Flowers line the half-timbered houses on cobblestone streets.  Canals wind in and out of the rows of houses in the area that they call the “Petite Venise” and as in all of Alsace, when you reach your eyes to the sky you see not only church steeples, but 1000 pound stork nests on top of the steeples with little stork families!  What a beautiful and quaint city.  For being a big city, and having so many people walking around, it is really very interesting to note how relatively quiet the city is.  As with almost all of our destinations, I felt like I could have stayed here all day, but was also looking forward to our next stop!

Could Jennifer look any more French?  
Petite Venise


Family of storks!
After Colmar, we headed to the "Route du Vin" to take us to a few small "charming" villages.  I don't know about you, but when you put "charming" and "village" in the same sentence, my heart skips a beat, and I just know that it is a place that I would like to see.

The “Route du Vin” did not disappoint us.  We drove on highways ribboned through vineyards and dotted with small villages, castles and ruins dating to who knows when.  I have never seen anything like it.  The sky was bright blue, the clouds were puffy and white, the roads are perfectly manicured, and everywhere we looked was green plants lined up oh so strait (my anal retentive father would love this!) literally dripping with green grapes.  I have included a picture, but you should know that I must have taken 20.  I am just showing you one! 

Our next stop was Kaysersberg.  It’s claim to fame is the 16th century bridge that the town people convinced the Germans not to destroy when they evacuated the area, the hike to the ruined castle with million dollar views, the bakeries with pretzels (see – Germany!) and the Alsatian wines.  We did climb to the ruined castle tower and the views from the top were some of the best that we have had.  It seems like I am being repetitive, and I am, but the value of the beauty that surrounded me at the top of that castle tower will never be lost on me.  Whether I am at the top of a highway, or the top of a castle.  It was just beautiful!  When we got back down into the city, there was music playing and horses in the streets…again…really?  Jeff and I went into a recommended wine cave and tasted a few wines while the kids went to get a pretzel.  We met a German couple that had been coming to this same place for over 20 years for each of their holidays!  Well, if that was not a good recommendation then I don’t know what is.  We could not believe how good the wine was, and how relatively inexpensive.  I could not get over the fact that the German couple had their two big dogs in the wine cave with them!  I love this place…and I miss my dog!

The castle ruins that we hiked to and up.

One of the 180 degree views from the top of the castle ruins

At the conclusion of the day, we drove to the little charming village that we would be staying in – Eguisheim.  Believe it or not, there is an award in France for the village with the best flowers, and Eguisheim won it!  Little tiny village, cobblestone streets, an old old walled city (although most of the wall is now gone) flower festooned village.  Here, we stayed in a bed and breakfast that was not like bed and breakfasts in the States, but clean and comfortable.  We walked 5 minutes to have dinner at a cave restaurant that we soon learned was a very good choice.  You know it is good when it fills up with locals, and that is exactly what happened here.  I was aching for an Alsatian dinner and we got it here! 

We started with a tarte flambee.  If any of you shop at Trader Joes, it is the French Tart with ham and onions!  I knew that I was French before I came here!  Anyway, they are very popular here and are not at all disappointing!  I could have stopped there, but no.  Makenna had poulet au Riesling, Jeff had a pepper steak, and I had rosti (an oven baked potato and regional cheese dish in the crock pottery that they are known for).  Rachel and Soren had a “hamburger steak” off of the menu for “les enfants.”  They loved it!  Thank goodness, because we could not stop gushing about how good ours was!  It was raining outside, and so this warm and “homey” meal was sooooooo good!  We finished it off with a crème brulee that they lit at our table.  We were all in culinary heaven now! 

That night, we walked through the vineyards and all over the town.  I have never seen a town like this, and doubt that I will ever see another one unless I come back.  I will attach some pictures here, but I know that it will not do it justice.  It is just beautiful!  

The next morning, as we were walking through town, a woman called to us from inside of a biscuiterie (cookie shop), and handed me a warm, just out of the oven, macaroon cookie.  Oh my word, will this never end?  Will I ever get enough?  To say that it melted in my mouth is an understatement.  Making sure to be fair (although it took all of my strength) I caught up with the rest of my family to share.  20 euros later, we were the proud owners of several macaroons of which we only have two left.  Pistachio, banana chocolate, orange, chocolate and natural.  I will stop here.  They are just that good.

We were all a little sad to leave this little town.  We were truly just “charmed” by it.  But, now we were off to one more small charming town, and one big lively town.

Kids in front of one of the may fountains in Eguisheim

Typical street in the village.  Look at all of the flowers that people have in front of their houses!

Ohhhh, the macaroons!
From here, we headed to Riquewihr.  This town was also little and charming.  Here, we were charmed by the Christmas shop that was two stories and larger than most of the houses in this area!  That shop of course put the Brown family in heaven, and Daddy had to go back out to the car to add more money to the parking meter.  That took most of our time here!

The wall surrounding the city

You know that we had one!

Main street of the town, strait uphill

Now we were off to Strasbourgh.  It is said that it is a big Colmar.  That is an understatement.  Everything here was big, and yet still beautiful and full of history!  Here, we were shocked by the enormous Strasbourgh Cathedral (begun in 1176 and completed in 1429), along with the 15th century astronomical clock.  Martin Luther’s thesis was posted on this cathedral’s main doors!

We rented bikes to ride around the city on, and took a boat tour that looped us around Strasbourgh to try and get a better feeling of what was here.  We went through two locks on that boat cruise.  That alone was very exciting and new!  Again, compared to the previous day it was such a big city and fulllll of amazing history.  Too much to go into here. 

Before we left to make the long trek home, we were sure to stop at a café and have just one more tarte flambee.  Oh man, those are sooo good!  Then a café au lait and a long car ride home. 

Now we have been home for a few days, and have all enjoyed relaxing.  Like I mentioned, it has been quite hot.  It makes us all appreciate the fact that we have, up until this point, been sightseeing in much more agreeable weather!  But, for hanging out here, it has been nice.

Makenna and I went into Beaune on Saturday for a “smashing” farmers market.  It was huge, and we had so much fun buying fresh veggies, bread and fish for a few days!  However, I will tell you that although it is bigger than our Thousand Oaks Farmers market, we both agreed that neither this, nor the market in Autun, or the market in Paris was better than our Thousand Oaks Farmers market.  We both agreed that if anyone from Europe were to go to our Farmers Market, they would not be at all disappointed.  That felt good to us both.  It means that we can continue a little bit of this lifestyle back at home!

Me, I just love that my 14 year old daughter had an interest in driving to a farmers market with me, knew what kind of vegetables and fish that she wanted to buy while there, and then was excited to come back home and help me to come up with some ideas of how to cook it all up back here.  Joie de vivre!  Life is good!

The Grandaddy of all Cathedrals

Kids waiting patiently for just one more little tarte flambee!
The riverboat tour

Ode to cherries

Hello all!  I am so bummed right now.  I got up this morning and was typing a new post, catching up from having been gone for a couple of days.  I was interrupted with kids waking up hungry (darn kids!  J) and had to walk away from it.  I had so much good stuff in that darn post!  I am now back at the computer, but the post is gone!!!!  Arrrrrgggghhhh.  Well, we have had a couple of great days at "home" just relaxing by the pool in the sun, picking fruit, making dinners together, taking long walks and enjoying the days!

Tonight, we have been picking cherries and making various cherry "syrups” or “concoctions.”  Jeff wonders if we can overdose on cherries.  We are willing to take that risk, and are currently engaged in the experiment.  Rachel and I made a cherry crumble last night, Makenna, Jeff and I are making cherry syrup stuff now, and Soren just picks and eats as he goes.  Oh yes, Makenna also made a cherry breakfast bread to try for the morning, although my guess is that it does not make it the night!

Our cherries!  

Our raspberries...yummmy

Now as I write, the homemade pizza is coming out of the oven.  Oh my word does it ever smell good!  After we get that cut up and fed to the children (and maybe a little appertif for Jeff and I) Jeff and I are going into Beaune for a traditional Burgundian dinner.  I am looking forward to beef bourguignon, bread, some traditional Burgundy wine and some kind of delectable dessert.  Most likely, not cherries.   Crème brulee or chocolate mousse perhaps?

I will try to attach a few pictures before we go, and plan to get more written tomorrow.  To you all…good night, wait…good morning!  Bon appétit! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

All my bags are packed and we're ready to go...wait...what day is today?

Off to an early start for our trip up to Strausburg.  6 am wake up call.  Not easy after our late mornings.  7:30, we are all ready.  The car is packed with our overnight bags, maps, and reading material for the next adventure.  All of the shutters on our beautiful country home are closed.  Kids are in the car, the key is in the ignition, and I am walking out to lock the front door.

Rachel surprised me by getting out of the car and approaching me with a look that I could not quite make out.  "Mommy?"  "Yes Rachel?"  (I was sure she was coming back to get another snack for the car)  "Ummm.  We are not supposed to be going today.  We are supposed to go tomorrow."  Silence.  Pondering.  Quickly running my mind over the calendar that I was at one time more or less married to, but realizing that I have not looked at it for almost a week.  Let's see.  Think quick.  Yesterday was Rachel's birthday.  The 21st.  That's right.  OK.  I am getting it back.  That would make today the 22nd.  OMS!  (Oh my stars!) We are not due in Strausburg until the 23rd!

At this point, we all burst out laughing!  No way!  Well, at least we figured it out sooner rather than later!  We left all of the bags in the car and decided instead to head out to Autun, where there was a farmer's market today!  How great to get an early start!

In Autun, we bought all of the fixings for a home made soup.  With a huge storm brewing, it just felt like the thing to do!  While there, we fell upon a beautiful cathedral built in 1114.  We also learned that there were 2000 year old Roman ruins!  How many times do you get to see that?

Cathedral Saint-Jean - Autun

Doors to Cathedral 

2000 year old Gate to city - 1 of 4

Roman Ampitheatre

From there, we took what turned out to be one of the most beautiful drives we have ever taken to get to Beaune.  We were surrounded by vineyards and rolling hills.  White cows, of course, sheep and horses.  I cannot find the words to describe how beautiful this drive was.  I felt a little bit like we were driving through a medieval storybook.  Unbelievable.  Ahhhhh.

In Beaune we were not disappointed by the Hotel Dieu.  (The hospital)  It was fascinating.  The tiles on the roof are a trademark of this area.  The process that they use to color them last for 300 years.  They were last re-done in 1901.  Soren and I especially liked seeing the actual tools that they used for "bleeding out" patients.  Rachel loved the Baroque tapestries and the paintings in the room for the wealthy patients.  Jeff and Makenna seemed to enjoy it all.

Hotel Dieu - Beaune
While there, we were hit with the storm.  Thunder, lightening and a downpour of rain.  We only had one umbrella, so we got quite wet and ducked into a sandwich shop for awhile while the storm lightened up.

Then, we were headed back home.  After our homemade soup (which turned out awesome) and a walk down the country road, the kids were exhausted.  They are all tucked in now, and ready for the real deal tomorrow!  Bonne nuit mes amis!  We leave you with the sunset view from Rachel's room.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bon anniversaire Rachel!

Today is Rachel’s 12th birthday!  Lucky girl!  She has had her birthday in Hawaii twice, and now in France.  Not bad!  Last night after dinner, you know, around 8 pm Makenna and I went out to pick fresh raspberries and cherries for Rachel’s birthday breakfast.  Is this for real?  Makenna said that she felt like Laura Ingalls Wilder!  Wait a minute.  Does that make me “ma?”  Well, that’s ok.  I too love this “Little House on the Prairie” life that we are living right now!

This morning, Jeff woke Rachel up to a cup of hot steamy hot chocolate.  She cannot believe how good it is here.  That is because there is no such thing as nonfat milk.  She doesn’t care.  She loves it!  When she came down, at her request we made crepes and filled them with the berries that Makenna and I had picked the night before.  What a flavor explosion!  My mouth is still watering, and I am too full to eat any more!!!

There was supposed to be thundershowers today, but alas.  This is Rachel’s world.  This should come as no surprise to anyone that knows Rachel.  The weather mysteriously changed, and now it is a beautiful day!  That will work out perfectly since the rest of her afternoon is planned to be outside.  She and Jeff went to the boulangerie this morning to buy fresh bread for our picnic.  We were at the little store yesterday to buy the salami and the assortment of cheese that she loves to have with it.  Fruit, well as you know we are going to pick that and bring it with us!  The only thing that we could not find was sparkling apple cider.  She is ok with the absence of that.

After our picnic, she would like to come back here and cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie.  I believe that her pick for tonight is going to be “Emma.”  After that, she would like to have the cake that I have not yet created.  I have warned her that it won’t be like home. Yikes.

Well, my beautiful 12 year old just strolled out to the garden looking absolutely lovely!  It is hard to believe that 12 years ago today I held her in my arms.  All 8 pounds and 20 inches of her.  It feels like just yesterday that I gazed into that cupie doll face of hers and stroked that long silky hair.  I guess that it is not all that different from today.  Granted, she is a little taller, but I still love to hold her in my arms, look into her cupie doll face, and stroke her longer silky hair… and plan to do so as much as I can! 

The day is just about over here, and it was another great one!  We took a walk just by the house (I am attaching pictures) in the most beautiful forest!  I just cannot believe how beautiful it is here!  When we came back we made the cake.  Makenna and I went to the store and tried to find baking powder and baking soda.  We came away with a prepared cake batter.  What do they use to make their cakes here????  Or, are the bakeries just so good that it is no use to try and make your own?  Oh well, luckily our Rachel is very easy to please.  I was able to whip up some home made pink frosting.  That she was very excited about!

As a special treat, we figured out how to call Nana, Papa and Moose.  Unfortunately we missed Papa, but it was nice to touch base with someone at home!

After a picnic dinner outside, a game of football (soccer) and a round of baths, we came in for cake and presents.  Now, as I write this the family is waiting for me on the couch to watch Emma. 

Tomorrow, we head up to Strausburg overnight.  (Sarah we will be thinking about you!)  More to you in a few days!  We miss you all!  (Including you Moose!  The walks just aren’t the same without you!  However, we have yet to see a small varmint for you to chase!)