Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Paris - At a Glance

Bonjour from Jeff.  Paris - Wow, what a city.  I will say, it is an "on the go" city.  Lots of people hustling and bustling.  Little cars, mopeds, motorcycles, bicycles, Public transportation, RER, Metro, busses, boats, taxis, walkers, runners, you name it they got it.  However, I will say that people do seem to enjoy life along the way.  Parks everywhere have people enjoying long lunches, coffee breaks, conversation, reading,

fresh pain ( that's bread for you non Frenchies), and so on.  The French appear to really enjoy life.

Another amazing thing is the architecture in Paris.  Even the regular apartment buildings are beautiful.  You just walk down the street and everything is beautiful.  At first glance, I just thought all the buildings were old, but after seeing a few under construction, they actually make the effort to build with a certain ornateness that is pleasing to the eye.

  The gothic churches with all their grandeur.  Notre Dame and  St Chapelle to name a couple, offer such history and beauty.  Interesting that Notre Dame took 700 years to build...700.

Of course all of the Museums- The Louvre, the Orsay, the Rodin, and Versailles (castle) offer some great viewing of famous artwork.  Paintings and statues galore.

Then of course, the food.  Everything tastes good, the boulangeries (bakery), the creperies, the cafes, the La Glace (ice cream).  It is a good thing we walk everywhere or we would look like blimpies when we return.

All this food is great.  Its not even fattening.  When I step on a French scale, I seemed to have lost like....90 lbs since I've arrived.  I guess I'll keep eating.  I love French food...it makes me lose weight.  Hmmm.

Well Au revoir for now, Jeff

Paris Highlights - Picnics in parks, the Eiffel Tower, the Rodin museum, the exterior of the Notre Dame

1 comment:

  1. Ah Food, food, food. Told ya! Moose and I are off for our walk sans food. Hope to skype you at 8am today. Bientot.
