Monday, June 20, 2011

Soren picks up Eiffel Tower !!!

Soren decided he did not really like the location of the he picked it up and moved it over a few inches.  He is much happier with the new location.  He then proceeded to climb the 672 stairs with ease.


  1. Soren, you are very strong. Have you been eating more vegetables?

  2. Hello,
    Not sure that my posts are going through! What a wonderful time you all are having! I hope all you kids now how lucky you are. This is the trip of a life time! Your friends sound just wonderful, how nice to have you join in with all their friends. We have been going a lot. We just took Kay to the airport this afternoon. We were up to Darrell and Barbara's for the fourth, then home for a day, then up to Morro Bay. We will be leaving for Portland on the 19th. We will be back for the party for Kaylee, Vanessa, and Tyler. I now have the app for your trip on my Ipad, so at least I can read it. Hope this is going through.
    Love you,
    Mom and Dad

  3. Well again you have done a great job of telling the stories of your traveles. That was some pile of sand! My knees would not let me get to the top, i'm sure. We are back on the road ourselves. We are on our way to Portland for Amway business meeting. Looking forward to seeing you all again, it has really been a long time. You guys won't ever want to come home, you are having so much fun. Talk to you soon.
    Love, Mom and Dad
