Monday, June 27, 2011

Ode to cherries

Hello all!  I am so bummed right now.  I got up this morning and was typing a new post, catching up from having been gone for a couple of days.  I was interrupted with kids waking up hungry (darn kids!  J) and had to walk away from it.  I had so much good stuff in that darn post!  I am now back at the computer, but the post is gone!!!!  Arrrrrgggghhhh.  Well, we have had a couple of great days at "home" just relaxing by the pool in the sun, picking fruit, making dinners together, taking long walks and enjoying the days!

Tonight, we have been picking cherries and making various cherry "syrups” or “concoctions.”  Jeff wonders if we can overdose on cherries.  We are willing to take that risk, and are currently engaged in the experiment.  Rachel and I made a cherry crumble last night, Makenna, Jeff and I are making cherry syrup stuff now, and Soren just picks and eats as he goes.  Oh yes, Makenna also made a cherry breakfast bread to try for the morning, although my guess is that it does not make it the night!

Our cherries!  

Our raspberries...yummmy

Now as I write, the homemade pizza is coming out of the oven.  Oh my word does it ever smell good!  After we get that cut up and fed to the children (and maybe a little appertif for Jeff and I) Jeff and I are going into Beaune for a traditional Burgundian dinner.  I am looking forward to beef bourguignon, bread, some traditional Burgundy wine and some kind of delectable dessert.  Most likely, not cherries.   Crème brulee or chocolate mousse perhaps?

I will try to attach a few pictures before we go, and plan to get more written tomorrow.  To you all…good night, wait…good morning!  Bon appétit! 

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