Friday, June 17, 2011

"It's Raining, It's Pouring..."

Yep.  The day that we had all been waiting for.  Versailles.  We planned it well.  We watched the weather and chose the one day that did not have any rain in the forecast.  In fact, we were so sure that the weather channel was right, that we even took out all of our umbrellas for the day.  (Except for mine which I snuck in my purse.)  The only reason that I had my black rain coat with me was because we were planning to be out late today, and Makenna told me that it looked very French.  I have to say, I did have 2 people talk to me in French today.  (O.K.  They were English, but they though that I was French!)

So we headed out this afternoon on the RER (the train) to Versailles.  We were not there 15 minutes when the first rain drop fell.  Uh oh.  While in the Hall of Mirrors, we looked out to a complete and full strength rain storm.

While we enjoyed the Chateau immensly (with the help of our Rick Steve Podcasts in our ears), we all knew that at some point the tour would pour us out into the elements.  That it did.

But, before I complain too much I would just like to say how much we enjoyed Versailles.  It was very easy to imagine living the courtly life while touring the various rooms!  It was also easy to imagine why the peasants of Paris were finally fed up with the lavish lifestyle that so few were enjoying, while the rest of France was in extreme poverty.  The grounds of Versailles are so incredibly vast!!!  I had no idea!  Now I know why they say that you can spend all day there.

As for us, we waited out the rain with some sandwiches, and then weathered what was left of the storm.  Granted, I can imagine that it might have been more enjoyable with beautiful weather, but we still got the idea!  Our kids were done before we made it out to Marie Antoinette's "village" on the grounds.  All the more reason to come back another time.

After we left the Chateau, we went to a creperie that we had read about on a little tiny quaint street.  I knew that it would be good when they had a dog curled up and asleep under the cash register!  The crepe selection was several pages long.  Can any of you imagine how long it took the Browns to decide on dinner crepes (Gallete) not to mention dessert crepes?  They were awesome!  My favorite was the dessert.  Dark chocolate with coconut, dark chocolate with walnuts, dark chocolate with bannans, and fresh rasperries with creme fraiche.  Good thing that we are walking everywhere!

Well, that put the Browns in a good mood better than anything else might have worked!  Back out to the rain and the train.  Now, they are all tucked into their cacoons and we have one more day left here in Paris.

Tomorrow it looks like more rain, but that will not stop us.  We are looking forward to the Rodin Musee, the Rue Cler district, and hoepefully the Eiffel Tower.  Oh yes, and another creperie, and drinking chocolate from Angelina Salon de The.  No skirts, shorts and sandals tomorrow though.


  1. Too bad about the rain, but the place is worth it no matter what! We had rain here last night and this AM too. Not quite as much to see though, but Moose and I muddle through.
    Love, Mom

  2. Your "apartment" sounds like the room from hell for someone like me: slipping and falling to your deaths descending down into the cave! Yes, that would be my fate there. Obviously there is no handrail here.

    I am glad you are doing all that walking because based on the caloric intake you are packing from all the chocolate treats, you will arrive home 10 pounds heavier than when you left. The walking will no doubt burn up the calories!

    It sounds like you are all having a great deal of fun. I love traveling in Europe because you do get to see different lifestyles and cultural positives. The U.S. doesn't have a monopoly on the "good life". We can learn from each other!

  3. Hey Brown Family! It is fantastic hearing about your first few days of adventures! Versailles looks beautiful even in the rain, and my mouth is drooling just thinking about those crepes and all that chocolate. Keep those posts coming! Joie de vivre!

  4. Hi all, especially Jeff, Happy Fathers Day to you! Have a wonderful one. We will go to brunch after church, and then nothing. Noone else here to celebrate with...oh except Moose. have a great time.

  5. Good morning, Brown Family! We're just getting caught up on your postings and so envious! Even in the rain it sounds wonderful. What an amazing experience for you all. We'll look forward to keeping "tabs" on you as you travel...thanks for sharing. Much love to you all...

    The Swansons
