Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bon anniversaire Rachel!

Today is Rachel’s 12th birthday!  Lucky girl!  She has had her birthday in Hawaii twice, and now in France.  Not bad!  Last night after dinner, you know, around 8 pm Makenna and I went out to pick fresh raspberries and cherries for Rachel’s birthday breakfast.  Is this for real?  Makenna said that she felt like Laura Ingalls Wilder!  Wait a minute.  Does that make me “ma?”  Well, that’s ok.  I too love this “Little House on the Prairie” life that we are living right now!

This morning, Jeff woke Rachel up to a cup of hot steamy hot chocolate.  She cannot believe how good it is here.  That is because there is no such thing as nonfat milk.  She doesn’t care.  She loves it!  When she came down, at her request we made crepes and filled them with the berries that Makenna and I had picked the night before.  What a flavor explosion!  My mouth is still watering, and I am too full to eat any more!!!

There was supposed to be thundershowers today, but alas.  This is Rachel’s world.  This should come as no surprise to anyone that knows Rachel.  The weather mysteriously changed, and now it is a beautiful day!  That will work out perfectly since the rest of her afternoon is planned to be outside.  She and Jeff went to the boulangerie this morning to buy fresh bread for our picnic.  We were at the little store yesterday to buy the salami and the assortment of cheese that she loves to have with it.  Fruit, well as you know we are going to pick that and bring it with us!  The only thing that we could not find was sparkling apple cider.  She is ok with the absence of that.

After our picnic, she would like to come back here and cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie.  I believe that her pick for tonight is going to be “Emma.”  After that, she would like to have the cake that I have not yet created.  I have warned her that it won’t be like home. Yikes.

Well, my beautiful 12 year old just strolled out to the garden looking absolutely lovely!  It is hard to believe that 12 years ago today I held her in my arms.  All 8 pounds and 20 inches of her.  It feels like just yesterday that I gazed into that cupie doll face of hers and stroked that long silky hair.  I guess that it is not all that different from today.  Granted, she is a little taller, but I still love to hold her in my arms, look into her cupie doll face, and stroke her longer silky hair… and plan to do so as much as I can! 

The day is just about over here, and it was another great one!  We took a walk just by the house (I am attaching pictures) in the most beautiful forest!  I just cannot believe how beautiful it is here!  When we came back we made the cake.  Makenna and I went to the store and tried to find baking powder and baking soda.  We came away with a prepared cake batter.  What do they use to make their cakes here????  Or, are the bakeries just so good that it is no use to try and make your own?  Oh well, luckily our Rachel is very easy to please.  I was able to whip up some home made pink frosting.  That she was very excited about!

As a special treat, we figured out how to call Nana, Papa and Moose.  Unfortunately we missed Papa, but it was nice to touch base with someone at home!

After a picnic dinner outside, a game of football (soccer) and a round of baths, we came in for cake and presents.  Now, as I write this the family is waiting for me on the couch to watch Emma. 

Tomorrow, we head up to Strausburg overnight.  (Sarah we will be thinking about you!)  More to you in a few days!  We miss you all!  (Including you Moose!  The walks just aren’t the same without you!  However, we have yet to see a small varmint for you to chase!)


  1. More about food. I swear I am gaining weight just reading your blog. The house looks like there would be plenty of room for Papa and I. Moose is having a fit so it is off for a walk around the lovely forests of (ya, sure) Chatsworth. One thing we do have is lots of varmits!

  2. Sounds like you had a great birthday, Rachel, you very lucky birthday girl! Enjoying hearing about your most fabulous trip, and am LOVING the photos!

  3. Happy Birthday beautiful Rachel! Glad you are having a wonderful time!!
