Tuesday, June 28, 2011

On the road again...and this time we are sure!

Three days of total relaxation is our limit.  Or so it seems.  Today we decided to get out and explore the area of Burgundy a little bit.  We had a nice relaxing morning which started with fresh cups of coffee (made in the fancy french coffee maker that this family has), Makenna's cherry bread, cherry sauce and eggs.  After that, we got in the car and headed towards water.  Makenna really wanted to "get her feet wet" today in some natural form of water.

On the way, we stopped over in several little villages with castles.  Blah blah blah.  JK.  I still am not tired of it!  Today, the castle that we stopped at was built in 3 stages.  The 12th century, the 15th century and the 18th century.  Every time we see something like that, I have to really sit down and ponder just how old that is.  As we walk around and see the city walls, the moats and the castle itself as it sits upon the top of a hill, I try to imagine what has happened here, and what life might have been like.  I just wish that there were some way to transport me back, if even just for 15 minutes.  Long enough to just have a look around.  Amazing.

We drove along what is called the Burgundy Canal.  This is where people own or rent boats rather than have homes or hotel rooms, and just cruise the canal.  They are like low profile houseboats.  I did not see one that did not have bikes on the top and in the very front, a jacuzzi!  How fun would that be with a couple of families?  As you navigate the canal, there are several locks that you have to operate by hand to keep going.  I am not sure how long that would be fun, and when the novelty of that would wear off.  At any rate, it would be a very different way to see this area.  Me, I am going to stick to my 200 year old country house.

Finally, we came upon water.  Makenna and Jeff sniffed out a rope swing, and before you could say "Q'uest ce tu faites?" they were submerged in water.

C'est complet.  Now we are back home, getting ready to head up to the French Alps (Chamonix) tomorrow.  Yes, we are sure that it is tomorrow.  We should know simply by the sharp change in the weather forecast.  Out of a 10 day forecast, there is suddenly rain tomorrow and the next day.  Dang it.  Well, you can pray that it takes another turn because it would be a lot more fun to travel to 12,600 feet in a gondola if it were clear and dry.  I know that we are!

This is the castle that we visited from afar

The Burgundy Canal

It was so hot, that we had to stop for ice cream

View from the castle

The picnic before the rope swing!

Makenna flying off of the rope swing with grace!

Jeff playing Tarzan

What?  Are you kidding?  I guess that they were...gulp

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, Brown Family! Your decopage looks great, Jen...have you figured out the secret yet??
